Uitnodiging nieuwjaarsconcert 2025
Maandagavond 6 januari 2025 in het Scheldetheater in Terneuzen. Inloop vanaf 19.30 uur. Toegang is gratis.
Wilt u erbij zijn? Graag aanmelden via www.terneuzen.nl/nieuwjaarsconcert
Maandagavond 6 januari 2025 in het Scheldetheater in Terneuzen. Inloop vanaf 19.30 uur. Toegang is gratis.
Wilt u erbij zijn? Graag aanmelden via www.terneuzen.nl/nieuwjaarsconcert
You will soon be moving to the municipality of Terneuzen or you have recently come to live in our municipality. We wish you lots of living pleasure! Below you will find information to find your way in our municipality.
The municipality of Terneuzen is a lively and versatile municipality. We will gladly show you around in our municipality. That is why we have listed some useful tips.
We wish you lots of living pleasure in the municipality of Terneuzen!
On this website you can find information that can help you find your way within the municipality. Many services you can use directly online via our website.
For a number of things you still have to come to our town hall. You have to make an appointment before you come over.
Services which are frequently used by foreigners are:
Would you like personal contact? Check our contact page for information about our opening times.
We regularly post news items on the website and in the door-to-door magazine, the Zeeuwsch Vlaams Advertentieblad. That way you are always informed about what is happening in Terneuzen.
And talking about that ... the municipality of Terneuzen is also active on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube! Follow the municipality on Twitter via @Gem_Terneuzen and 'like' us on Facebook . Or follow us on Instagram or Youtube . This way you will be the first to know about news in the municipality.
Below is a list with links that may be of interest to you: